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Should we be worried about the amount of sugar in toddler snacks?

Should we be worried about the amount of sugar in toddler snacks?

Screenshot What's the difference between a free sugar and a fruit sugar in baby and toddler snacks? Are smoothies actually unhealthy? In recent times there has been a lot of debate about the sugar levels in some of our favourite shop-bought snacks and pouches. So...

How can we fix our children’s unhealthy food environment?

How can we fix our children’s unhealthy food environment?

The Children’s Food Campaign recently published their report “Our Children, Our Future - A parents’ manifesto for healthy children’s food”. Their extensive research involved speaking to thousands of parents about what they think the biggest barriers are to feeding...

Top tips on tackling fussy eating

Top tips on tackling fussy eating

Almost every parent will have struggled with fussy eating at some stage, and although it’s completely normal, it can also be really frustrating and upsetting. Having worked with children and food for over a decade, I’ve gleaned a fair bit of info and experience on the...
